Violeta Sekovska, Macedonia



Violeta Sekovska is a graduate librarian and representative of Macedonian contemporary poetry. She is born on May 2 in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. Creates poetry from the youngest age, but she begins to present his poetry in 2011 with her first book "Macedonia", then, "Lane Roe and Deer, "I Exist" and "Damari". Poetry Collection "Fifth Element" "Somerset",,Pearl" and ,,Jacob's World" book of Macedonian-Croatian friendship "Steps to heaven" Violeta Sekovska international poetry collection "White Rose" and others. Her poems can be also found in Anthology on English Language, in two Anthologies in Macedonian language. Her poems are in more than 50 International collections through the Balkans. Sekovska is the creator of the poetic-musical performance "With Love for Macedonia" with which she has performed throughout Macedonia, in the Republic of Albania, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Republic of Croatia, the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Montenegro. Sekovska's poetry has been awarded numerous times from prestigious and renowned associations and institutions in the country and in the Balkans. Poetry is harmoniously designed, metric carefully calculated and resembles the work of the old masters of humanism and the renaissance. Her verses are dominated by patriotic, spiritual-religious and love motives.


Во чашата нема само вино
има една пуста пустина која зјае
те влече кон неа,
полнотија од солзи пресушени.

Во чашата нема само вино
љубов претопена во суво билје
каде животот отчукува во векови
се огледува погледот на твојата душа.

Во чашата нема само вино
се кршат ѕвездите во неа,
гласот на тишината го допираш
со усните очите ги склопуваш,
во чашата, твоето име, неговото..
Ако чашата се скрши, во што се претвора виното?
Во тебе или во мене?



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  • Многу убава, восхит!
    Mnogu ubava, voshit!
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