-  Hello dear Angela! You make a very important contribution to the development of world literature as a poet, essayist, journalist, translator... You are active in various fields of literature and culture. Which of these areas is closest to your soul, without which you can't imagine your life?

A. Kosta: Hello dear Tarana! I would say that they are all in my soul, right in the depths of my soul, of my existence because I think that one without the other cannot be there so I cannot share them, I could not. It is truly satisfactory and not only is it an enormous richness in the baggage and in the cultural and literary sphere, but it is what also enriches me within me, because when I translate, I find in the components not only the verses that the author verses but I find and know their beautiful soul, without clothes, I find them "naked", thus, in all the magnificent Divine creation, so, as God created us, us and nature itself. So far, there are about 160 authors from all over the world of whom I have translated into Italian or Albanian (all obviously from the English language) and there are 600 authors whom I have promoted, also 60 artists with their paintings, sculptures, their wonderful art and I would like to say that, every time, I am really very enchanted in front of particularly enchanting works. I think that art, culture and literature are intertwined in such a perfect symbiosis, that they find the same path: that of creativity, and it is precisely there that I find my soul, I reach it in this unique union.

- What are the aspects in the development of modern poetry that you are satisfied with or find flawed?

A. Kosta: Modern literature is obviously very different from that of the Renaissance, classical I would say... I don't know if it was right to say "unfortunately", now almost everyone becomes a poet and author. It happened to me, while translating, to find many verses of really poor quality. There are several poets, who in their biographies, self-esteem, carry their poetic values high. I think this is very wrong, because it is not up to the artist, the poet, the writer, to bring their creativity to the veto, but there are literary critics, above all and first and foremost the readers. Modern poetry has a good, because one composes as one pleases, there is no rule other than obviously the correct syntax. Unfortunately, today's young people read very little... I must admit that with all these online sites, there are many authors who don't even know how to write, yet they mix with those who are really pearls. Sometimes, I find some really wonderful verses, sometimes I find them to throw away. In the modern era of literature, everyone has a mania for publishing many books, but it is not the number of works that counts, but what they, even a single work, contain within themselves. Sometimes, just one work can be a masterpiece while 100 books together don't do much. And having said that, right here I stop... Unfortunately, today, in various countries, (I also name my native country Albania), it is enough to have money, since many "publishing houses" are only printers, so they publish everything; There is no comparison, there is no promotion of books. Copyright does not exist, so everyone publishes everyone, even those who know how to write and even those who do not know how to write. Today it is difficult to choose, even if, of course, we know well, who are the nominated, famous authors, who writes well and who does not. This is the imperfection of the modern literary era. Instead, perfection has vanished in this volcanic turmoil of unfair mysticism.

 - According to Angela Kosta, literature has the power to save the world? Or will it ever have such power?

A. Kosta: Of course you do... I would say that literature is an important chain, of which it binds and builds cultural bridges, it manages to unite peoples, states, authors from all over the world, who with great strength, raise their voices and, with their pen, write: Peace, Peace, only Peace! Sure... It is not in our hands, but such a powerful, clear and strong message can move even mountains, especially when you see poets who get along with each other, even if their peoples are in serious war, in full crisis and hatred, because, in addition to love, they are united by one thing: literature and even art itself.

- What can you say about the place of Albanian literature in world literature and its relations with the literature of other nations?

A. Kosta: Today I can proudly say that Albanian literature has crossed continents. After the arrival of democracy, after Albania emerged from the terrible dictatorship that imprisoned our country for 50 years and kept so many writers, authors, poets, journalists under repression, killing them, preventing them from speaking their word freely, today, many Albanian authors know each other in the world... I can proudly mention the famous writer Ismail Kadare, translated into many languages, and then there are many other authors who follow his path of international fame. The relationship with the other part of world literature, between Albania and other states, is really beautiful, because as I mentioned above, these cultural points are created there (thanks also to technology), which we all use today. By now, we are known all over the world. My country is really small, and perhaps, many states did not even know of our existence, but these cultural bridges,
we possess the torch of Peace and Hope, as well as they make way for us poets (not only Albanians), to relate to the whole world.

-  You properly represent your country all over the world. Today, the name Angela Kosta is in the spotlight as a literary icon. What are your literary plans for the future?

A. Kosta: My country, Albania, is a very old country. For centuries, it has always suffered from usurpers. We have always been prey to enemies, because we were an important bridge that linked Europe with the Balkans. We are a very important strategic point for both of us. As for me, it's true. Today I am in the global spotlight and, this was not only because of my efforts and sacrifices, but also thanks to all the authors who at the beginning I thought I was helping them, they helped me. I would say that it was mutual.
I would have many plans for the future... now there is the book in English that will be released in a few days, as well as in Albania I will publish my book that I translated into Albanian published in Italy: Gli occhi della madre (thriller), after that I think of translating my other novels, as well as the short stories, then I have my bilingual paper magazine MIRIADE, which is really having a lot of success, and much more... 2025 will be a year full of projects that I hope to realize as well as the many in 2023 - 2024.

- Do you think that literature today owes its prestige and popularity to poetry or prose?

A. Kosta: I find this question a bit difficult, but I notice that many write poetry. As for prose, I would say less... This may also depend on the fact that many magazines, both online and in print, prefer to publish poems more, that is, poets are more in demand by writers.

-  If you had a chance to choose, in which country would you choose to live in order to realize greater cultural projects?

A. Kosta: In my beautiful country Albania, because there, my soul finds peace, there I would really have the opportunity to write relaxed and in peace, because I would obviously be far from the mess of the big cities. Where I lived, everything is verdant, there is clean air, there is silence and, this really inspires you, it pushes you to create, create and just create...

-  Good hearts always win. You are highly respected in the literary world as an infinitely kind creative person. When you were new to literature, have you seen such kindness from others?

A. Kosta: Obviously... I think that any artist who belonged to literature or culture, art, music and all that would like to finish, the beginning is always difficult. Sometimes, you find the doors closed, the windows too, but this does not make you give up, on the contrary, it gives you the strength, to go beyond the barriers that hinder your dreams, your projects. I must say that I have been very lucky from this point of view, because I have always had people by my side who have stimulated, encouraged and helped me a lot. Today, I would like to thank them one by one, even those who are no longer among us, but they still remain alive in our hearts. This is because they have been important and fundamental guides for our path and literary turn.

- Which of your works contains your soul in its entirety?

A. Kosta: All my novels, poems too, are like the children that every mother gives birth. Each of them contains a part of my heart, a part of my being, a part of my soul, a part of my existence. In them there is and remains that invisible corner, where except me, no one else can touch, reveal, deny, love and why not, sometimes even forget...

-  Your wishes for the young generation who are new to literature...

A. Kosta: I wish all young authors to have a good path, full of creativity and full of success.

-  What other questions would you like to see in our interview?

A. Kosta: That of knowing my hobbies... There are so many. There is painting, classical music, cooking too. I really like to learn and "investigate" the traditional cuisine of various states and countries far from Europe and our continent. But above all, I really like reading any novel or poem it is.

Thank you very much dear Tarana for inviting me to this wonderful conversation. Many warm greetings from Italy.

Thank you very much fear Angela  for the wonderful interview and interesting answers.

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